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( full automatic =foc automat) se refera la capacitatea unei arme de a trage in continuu atat timp cat tragaciul este apasat. Focul automat se intrerupe numai in momentul in care tragaciul este eliberat, arma ramane fara baterii sau incarcatorul este gol.

( Semi auto =semi automatic) – se refera la capacitatea unei arme de a trage o singura bila la fiecare apasare a tragaciului. Pentru a putea trage urmatoarea bila, este necesara intai eliberarea tragaciului, si apoi inca o data reluat procesul de apasare.

(a.k.a trasul de dupa colt) – trasul fara a se vizualiza directia de tragere in toata perioada. Regula pusa strict pentru siguranta noastra (gandeste-te ca cineva ajunge la distanta foarte mica de tine, fara sa stii, iar daca tragi blind, il poti lovi de foarte aproape);

Tactical gear from world’s best-known manufacturers and the most popular creators. Wide selection of plate carriers, vests, pouches, backpacks, slings and other equipment at our shop!

We own an extensive shop (both online and offline which is right by our arena) that offers the full range of tactical gear and equipment that will totally enhance your day of an awesome play.

At our club, you will find different fields to play at and choose the one that’s right for you. We’ve built an exclusive, fun-filled and thrilling atmosphere that the whole family can enjoy.